Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Will is walking! This video was taken this past weekend and already he has improved so much! Will also loves to push around the dining room chairs. Sometimes I find them at the end of the hallway. It really cracks us up.

We visited the Austin Zoo over the weekend. The Austin Zoo is a "rescue zoo" and is small and intimate-just right for little kids. We were able to get really close to many of the animals. There were peacocks, chickens and roosters roaming free. We even saw baby peacocks following their mommies around! I can't wait to go back.

Will and Mommy

This sad goat had the hugest underbite! We couldn't stop laughing!

The goats were very friendly!

We learned that Mr. Tortoise and his cage-mates are in their mid-thirties!

"What are you lookin' at?"

Recently, we have discovered that Will uses his tent as a little private restroom. I don't think he "takes care of business" anywhere else now! I'm kinda tired of it taking up space in the living room, but how can I put away his special restroom?!

And yes, sometimes I put the dog bed in there.

And finally, Will has discovered that sitting in the dog crate is super fun. Sometimes he will throw a ball in the crate, climb in and grab it and then throw the ball out of the crate. Then he repeats! Many times he will just sit there looking out of the holes.

Will is getting his 1 year pictures taken tomorrow. Wish us luck! :)

1 comment:

ashley said...

Can't wait to see them! (Make sure you take his tent along in case he has to 'go' while you're out. It's only the courteous thing to do)