Saturday, March 13, 2010

Will's First Hike

Today we went hiking with Will for the first time and had a blast. Whitney's parents got us this very cool backpack over the holidays and we've been waiting for the right weekend to start using it. Thanks Grandmommy and Granddaddy! Today was a gorgeous day in Austin and we went to a park in the hills. Will seemed to really enjoy the scenery and was very talkative as we passed the creeks, trees, and other people with their kids and dogs. Will also really enjoyed it when we handed him sticks and rocks and let him drop them into the water. Mama even tried wearing the pack for a little while. Enjoy the pictures!


Grammie said...

Your happy day makes us so very happy, too! :)

ashley said...

Fantastic - and that water bottle holder would be a great place for a beer. My parents gave us a picnic backpack for xmas a couple years ago, we should get those backpacks together!